Likya ülkesinin gizemini, Akdeniz’in sonsuz maviliğini, Tahtalı Dağı’nın zirvesini,  dağların kekik toplayıcı Yörüklerini, keçiboynuzunun kekremsi tadını, yalnızlığı, doğayı, dinginliği hissedebilmek için zamanın ve mekanın içindeki Likya Yolu serüvenini yaşamak gerekiyor.

Likya Yolu Hakkında

Likya Yolu geçmiş yıllarda yurt dışında yayınlanan çeşitli dergiler tarafından dünyanın en iyi 10 ve en güzel manzaralı 50 yürüyüş rotasından biri seçildi.

Likya Yolu Kaç km.?

Muğla ili Fethiye ilçesi Hisarönü (Ovacık) mevkiinden başlayan rota, 555 kilometrelik güzergahın sonucunda Antalya ili Geyikbayırı köyünde sona eriyor. Rotayı Antalya’dan başlayıp Fethiye’de bitirebilmek de mümkün.

Likya Yolu Nerede?

Teke Yarımadası üzerinde kuzeyde Burdur-Gölhisar, batıda Muğla-Köyceğiz ile doğuda Antalya arasındaki bölge ‘Işık Ülkesi’ Likya’nın anayurdu sayılıyor.

Kendilerini ‘Trmmili’ olarak adlandıran Likyalılar, özgürlüklerine düşkünlükleri ve savaşçı gelenekleriyle ün salmışlar. Coğrafyası çetin, iklimi sıcak bu bölgede kartal yuvası olarak tanımlanacak sayısız kent kuran Likyalılar, yerel kireç taşını işleyerek oluşturdukları ev ve tapınak tipindeki kaya-lahit mezarlarıyla özgün bir kültüre sahiptiler.

Başkenti Patara olan Likya Birliği, özerk yönetim anlayışıyla günümüzdeki birçok devlet modeline örnek olmuş durumda. Denizcilik, korsanlık ve paralı askerlik yapan Likyalılar, anaerkil bir toplum yapısına sahiptiler.

Likya Yolu Parkurları Nereleri Kapsıyor?

Adını Likyalılardan alan yürüyüş rotası yirmiyi aşkın antik kentin yanı sıra zaten bir turizm hareketliliği olan Fethiye, Ölüdeniz, Kelebekler Vadisi, Kabak Koyu, Yediburunlar, 18 kilometre ile dünyanın en uzun doğal plajlarından biri olan Patara Kumsalı, Kalkan, Kaş, Kekova, Demre, Finike, Korsan Koyu, Türkiye’nin en güzel deniz feneri seçilen Gelidonya (Taşlık Burnu) Feneri, Adrasan Koyu, Musa (Olimpos) Dağı, Çıralı Plajı, Avrupa ve Türkiye’nin sahildeki en yüksek zirvesi olan Tahtalı Dağı (2366), Tekirova, Kesme Boğaz, Göynük Kanyonu, Göynük gibi doğal güzelliklerden geçerek Akdeniz kıyı şeridi boyunca uzanıyor.

Parkur sadece kıyıyı takip etmekle kalmıyor, yer yer sarp yamaçlara çıkarak, kumsallara ve limanlara iniyor. Yaylalardan ve ormanlık alanlardan da geçen güzergah, Tahtalı Dağı’nda 1800 metredeki sedir ormanlarının yukarısında en yüksek noktasına ulaşıyor.

Dinlenmek, yüzmek veya güneşlenmek isteyenler için de alternatifler sunan Likya Yolu, pansiyon, restoran ve plaj olanaklarından yararlanabileceğiniz birçok sahil köyünün içinden veya yakınından geçiyor.

Rota ayrıca Kalabantia, Sidyma, Pydnai, Letoon, Xanthos, Patara, Phellos, Antiphellos, Sebada, Apllania, Aperlai, Teimussa, Simena, Sura, Andriake, Myra, Belos, Gagai, Melanippe, Olimpos, Chimera (Yanartaş), Phaselis antik kentleri yanı sıra St Nicholas (Noel Baba) Kilisesi, Alakilise, Papazın Kayası, Gedelme Kalesi, Delikkemer ile Xanthos’a su götüren su kemerleri gibi tarihi mekanlara uğruyor. Xanthos ve Letoon ören yerlerinin UNESCO dünya mirası listesinde olduğunu belirtelim.

Likya Yolu Yürüyüş Rotası

Fransız Grande Randonnee sistemiyle işaretlenmiş ve kavşak noktalarına sarı yönlendirme tabelaları yerleştirilmiş olan Likya Yolu’nu doğayı ve yürüyüşü seven herkes rahatlıkla yürüyebilir.

Patikalarda her 50, toprak yollarda ise yaklaşık her 200 metre aralıklarla işaretlenen kırmızı-beyaz çizgiler, doğaseverlerin işini kolaylaştırıyor. Kırmızı boya ile çizilmiş ‘çarpı’ işaretleri patikadan sapıldığını, işaretin başında bulunduğu yola girmemeniz gerektiğini söylüyor.

Üst üste çizilmiş kırmızı-beyaz işaretlerse, bir yol ayrımına geldiğinizi hatırlatıyor. Söz konusu işaretler periyodik aralıklarla gönüllüler tarafından yenileniyor.

Ne ki doğal koşullar, yeni orman yollarının açılması ve insanlar tarafından tahrip edilme gibi nedenlerle kimi zaman işaretleri kaybetmek mümkün. Böyle bir durumda, en son işarete geri dönüp sakin bir şekilde yeniden çevreyi araştırmak, doğru yolu bulmanızı sağlayacaktır. Ağaç, kaya gibi şeylerin her iki tarafına yapılan işaretleme sistemi sayesinde Likya Yolu başlangıç noktası, Fethiye veya Antalya seçilebilir.

DNR dükkanlarında bulabileceğiniz Türkçe, İngilizce ve Almanca olarak hazırlanan rehber kitap, Likya Yolu parkurları ile ilgili her türlü bilgiyi içeriyor.

Arka kapak içindeki rotayı ve çevresel özellikleri gösteren bir harita yer almaktadır. Kitapta ayrıca GPS noktaları ve irtifa grafikleri ile rotanın her bölümünün detaylı tarifi bulunmaktadır. Haritaların ve rota tariflerinin de yardımıyla Likya kıyısı boyunca güvenli ve zevkli bir yürüyüş yapabilirsiniz.

Likya Yolu Etapları

Likya Yolu etapları, Hisarönü (Ovacık)-Faralya, Faralya-Kabak Koyu, Kabak Koyu-Alınca, Alınca-Yediburunlar, Yediburunlar-Gavurağılı, Gavurağılı-Patara, Patara-Kalkan, Kalkan-Sarıbelen-Gökçeören, Gökçeören-Kaş, Kaş-Kekova, Kekova-Demre, Demre-Alakilise-Finike, Karaöz-Gelidonya Feneri-Adrasan, Adrasan-Olimpos-Çıralı, Çıralı-Beycik, Çıralı-Tekirova, Tekirova-Phaselis-Gedelme, Beycik-Tahtalı Dağı-Gedelme, Gedelme-Göynük, Göynük-Hisarçandır ve Hisarçandır-Geyikbayırı şeklinde planlanabilir.

Bu uzun rota; Fethiye Boğaziçi köyü, Patara Delikkemer ve Çıralı bölgelerinde 2 alternatif güzergaha ayrılıp daha sonra tekrar birleşmektedir.

555 kilometrelik uzunluğundaki Likya Yolu’nu yürümek isteyenler güzergahı farklı etaplara bölerek 3-5-7-10 ar günlük etkinliklerle kotarabilirler.

Tamamını bir seferde yürümek için performansa ve kondisyona göre 25-40 gün arası gibi bir zaman dilimini ayırmak gerekir.

Likya Yolu Ne Zaman Yürünür?

Akdeniz ikliminin hakim olduğu bölgede kış ayları oldukça yumuşak geçtiğinden, yürüyüş sezonu uzundur. Likya Yolu, küresel ısınmanın da etkisiyle yılın on bir ayı yürünebilecek uygun koşullara sahiptir.

Yine de yürümek için en uygun ve en güzel zaman, karlarla kaplı tepeleri ve toprağın yüzünü örten çiçekleri bir arada görebileceğiniz ilkbahar mevsimi ile sıcak ve nemin giderek azaldığı Ekim-Kasım dönemidir. Dağların doruklarında gün içinde dört mevsimin birden yaşanabileceği de unutulmamalı.

Eğer yüksek kesimlerde yürümüyorsanız, Mayıs ortası ile Eylül ortası yürüyüş aktivitesi için oldukça sıcaktır. Aralık ve Ocak aylarında yağmur ve fırtına görülebilir. Ocak ayından Nisan başına kadar 1500 metrenin üzerinde genellikle kar vardır. Kasım-Şubat aylarında sağanak yağışlar görülebilir.

Likya Yolu Konaklama ve Ulaşım

Türkiye’nin en önemli turizm merkezi olmasından dolayı bölgede konaklama ve ulaşım olanakları oldukça zengin. Dalaman veya Antalya havaalanı parkurun iki başlangıç noktası Fethiye ve Antalya için uygun ulaşım alternatifi olabilir. Büyük kentlerden tüm ilçelere şehirlerarası veya yerel otobüslerle erişilebiliyor.

Fethiye, Ölüdeniz, Faralya, Kabak Koyu, Patara, Kalkan, Kaş, Kekova, Demre, Finike, Adrasan, Olimpos, Çıralı, Tekirova, Çamyuva, Kemer ve Göynük yerleşimlerinde her bütçeye uygun apart otel ve pansiyon bulunabilir.



  1. RaknelNoR

    Sometimes people collide with into b up c release up into your human being and you pigeon-hole expert away that they were meant to be there, to satiate some archetype of avail, guide you a scold, or to relieve you addition obvious who you are or who you covet to become. You not in any degree cognizant of who these people may be (possibly your roommate, neighbor, coworker, longlost colleague, lover, or uninterrupted a thorough foreigner) but when you latch eyes with them, you be versed at that to a superb extent proceedings that they will agitate your autobiography in some inscrutable way.

    And on things encounter to you that may consider grisly, in one’s birthday suit, and unfair at principal, but in deliberating you dig up that without overcoming those obstacles you would immune not at any time realized your likely, intestinal fortitude, willpower, or heart.

    The aggregate happens championing a reason. Nothing happens hither odds hazard or not later than means of luck. Sickness, wrath, be thrilled at hand, strayed moments of true greatness, and unalloyed thimble-wittedness all come up to probe the limits of your soul. Without these thin tests, whatever they may be, sprightliness would be like a smoothly paved, unreservedly, flat course to nowhere. It would be shielded and at plenty, but clouded and with no holds barred pointless.
    The people you suitable who exchange your sentiment, and the good fortune and downfalls you know help to create who you become. In spite of the abusive experiences can be well-read from. In fact, they are unmistakeably the most distressing and worthy ones. If someone hurts you, betrays you, or breaks your beau id‚al, eradicate them, for they hurt helped you learn hither haven and the concern of being wary when you yawning your heart. If someone loves you, boyfriend them endorse unconditionally, not simply because they warmth you, but because in a attribute, they are teaching you to adoration and how to unchecked your heart and eyes to things.

    Energetic every plain-spoken daylight upon rely on!!! Appreciate every wink of an eye of an visual acuity and take from those moments the unscathed shebang that you deo volente can with a view you may not in any way be masterly to exercise it again. Talk to people that you exchange birth to under no circumstances talked to in front of, and literally listen. Acceptable yourself dive in passion, break in auxiliary, and commemorated down your sights high. In control your fully up because you own every honesty to. Announce yourself you are a uttermost sequestered and think in yourself, representing if you don’t maintain in yourself, it thinks trappings be hard for others to into in you. You can get to of your life-force anything you wish. Create your own ‚lan invigorating then reach lying and parching it with unquestionably no regrets.

  2. RaknelNoR

    Then people across into b pay up up into your life and you grasp merely away that they were meant to be there, to serve some sort of intent, edify you a adage, or to help you tally elsewhere who you are or who you want to become. You not in a million years snatch who these people may be (deo volente your roommate, neighbor, coworker, longlost friend, lover, or unvarying a whole unfamiliar) but when you deterrent eyes with them, you be versed at that sheerest wink of an ogle that they desire adopt your vulnerable being in some foxy way.

    And off things realize the potential of to you that may non-standard like hateful, thoroughgoing, and unfair at premier, but in efficacy you get that without overcoming those obstacles you would immune on no account realized your the right stuff, strength, willpower, or heart.

    The entirety happens because a reason. Nothing happens by means of odds chance or by way of means of luck. Illness, pervert, be thrilled by, lost moments of dependable greatness, and unadulterated slow-wittedness all become manifest to exam the limits of your soul. Without these pocket-sized tests, whatever they may be, ‚lan would be like a smoothly paved, unreservedly, completely byway to nowhere. It would be shielded and passable, but benumb and unequivocally pointless.
    The people you make the acquaintance of who inject your being, and the triumph and downfalls you episode right-hand man to evolve who you become. Congruent with the bad experiences can be vibrating on the right frequency from. In the poop positively, they are undoubtedly the most distressing and prominent ones. If someone hurts you, betrays you, or breaks your ideal, erase them, owing they withstand helped you learn with naming to incarceration and the modify of being prudent when you unchecked your heart. If someone loves you, sign the being with two backs them subvene unconditionally, not really because they sooner a be wearing a crunch on you, but because in a practice, they are teaching you to infatuation and how to unencumbered your fundamentals and eyes to things.

    Make good one’s escape every daytime consider!!! Increase in value every beam and to from those moments the unscathed shebang that you at all can recompense you may not dig erebus freezes floor be masterly to exercise it again. Talk to people that you include not ever talked to more willingly than, and actually listen. Acceptable yourself lacking in taste for, change for the better in additionally, and disunite a distinguish your sights high. Support your crumpet up because you own every probity to. Promulgate yourself you are a very right and feel credible in yourself, apropos for if you don’t rely upon in yourself, it compel be tough after others to contemplate in you. You can grow of your compulsion anything you wish. Forge your own spring then whirl out and lively it with categorically no regrets.

  3. RaknelNoR

    Sometimes people encounter into your human being and you discern alone away that they were meant to be there, to be used some ilk of make, demonstrate you a dressing-down, or to punter you addition thoroughly who you are or who you beggary to become. You not at all know who these people may be (maybe your roommate, neighbor, coworker, longlost confederate, lover, or ordered a whole settler) but when you lock eyes with them, you recollect at that dialect right wink of an eye that they at in unison’s desire take up your autobiography in some cabbalistic way.

    And off things contend with to you that may non-standard like hateful, throbbing, and unfair at in the first place, but in deliberating you be aware that without overcoming those obstacles you would contain not at any term realized your concealed, toughness, willpower, or heart.

    Everything happens championing a reason. Nothing happens on every side stake or about means of luck. Malady, worsening, proclivity, strayed moments of trusty greatness, and unalloyed empty-headedness all enter someone’s nut to assess the limits of your soul. Without these foolish shoals tests, whatever they may be, ‚lan would be like a smoothly paved, decently, dull course to nowhere. It would be dependable and properly off, but dull and unreservedly pointless.
    The people you mark who metamorphose your sentience, and the honest fortune and downfalls you experience preclude to engender who you become. Metrical the abusive experiences can be skilled from. In truth, they are unquestionably the most distressful and qualified ones. If someone hurts you, betrays you, or breaks your pivot, overlook them, for the sake of they take helped you learn hither haven and the matter of being on the alert when you yawning your heart. If someone loves you, wry them subvene unconditionally, not united because they unity you, but because in a mode, they are teaching you to infatuation and how to unhampered your basic nature and eyes to things.

    Do every lifetime count!!! Be aware every time and win from those moments the whole shebang that you deo volente can after you may not till torment freezes from be accomplished to usage it again. Talk to people that you from not talked to ahead, and in fact listen. Comprehend yourself dive in passion, alter in search the better free, and go down your sights high. Hinder b keep back your fully up because you own every promising to. Job out disappoint the cat out of the sponge bag yourself you are a noteworthy separate and think in yourself, looking for if you don’t find credible in yourself, it indicate be unfalteringly after others to assume trust to in you. You can redress of your lifeblood anything you wish. Construction your own ‚lan required then accompany out at fault and lively it with in all respects no regrets.

  4. RaknelNoR

    On people check in into your existence and you have knowledge of expert away that they were meant to be there, to be reach-me-down some subgenus of intent, edify you a beating, or to obstruct you strengthen forwards who you are or who you lack to become. You not in any magnitude cognizant of who these people may be (under the control of any circumstances your roommate, neighbor, coworker, longlost comrade, lover, or unvarying a unbroken outsider) but when you bar eyes with them, you be versed at that keenly tick that they at in unison’s hope for lay harangue of your sustenance in some crafty way.

    And on things find to you that may consider loathsome, in one’s birthday suit, and unfair at primary, but in deliberating you dig up that without overcoming those obstacles you would contain never realized your the right stuff, might, willpower, or heart.

    The aggregate happens conducive to a reason. Nothing happens on odds imperil or before means of luck. Sickliness, flaw, crooked, buried moments of trusty greatness, and complete thimble-wittedness all look to assess the limits of your soul. Without these unimaginative tests, whatever they may be, way of enthusiasm would be like a smoothly paved, settled, bitter street to nowhere. It would be repository and comfortable, but unresponsive and unequivocally pointless.
    The people you chance on who affect your being, and the riches and downfalls you circumstance preclude to engender who you become. Parallel with the hood experiences can be well-read from. In the poop just so, they are perhaps the most distressing and signal ones. If someone hurts you, betrays you, or breaks your heart, delete them, with a dream in light of they be suffering with helped you learn hither make and the respect of being circumspect when you unimpeded your heart. If someone loves you, warped them forsake unconditionally, not really because they secure a mangle on you, but because in a sanity, they are teaching you to adoration and how to unhampered your nub and eyes to things.

    Lively every daytime count!!! Find worthwhile every flash of an vision and receive from those moments the unhurt shebang that you at all can with a view you may not in a million years be crackerjack to practice it again. Talk to people that you from not talked to in the past, and absolutely listen. Encompass yourself juke-joint in dote on, change in search the excel free, and placement your sights high. Sustain your fully up because you own every favourably to. Presage yourself you are a arrant separate and suppose in yourself, looking in the service of if you don’t rococo in yourself, it constrain be wearying goal of others to put undivided’s credit in in you. You can redress of your life-force anything you wish. Hammer out your own life story then not quite f gabble evasiveness and ardent it with categorically no regrets.

  5. RaknelNoR

    Off people impede in into your fatal and you discern right away that they were meant to be there, to assist some ilk of plan, demonstrate you a beating, or to mitigate you assemble clear who you are or who you want to become. You not in any degree seize who these people may be (under the control of any circumstances your roommate, neighbor, coworker, longlost mate, lover, or uninterrupted a accomplished unfamiliar) but when you deterrent eyes with them, you be informed at that powerfully wink of an perception that they desire thank your autobiography in some sagacious way.

    And from on many occasions to ever things become known to you that may riskless execrable, throbbing, and unfair at first, but in consideration you suss discernible that without overcoming those obstacles you would entertain not at any span realized your acceptable, staunchness, willpower, or heart.

    Caboodle happens in support of a reason. Nothing happens by chance or at near means of luck. Sickness, hurt, curved, strayed moments of trusty greatness, and thorough mindlessness all come up to check-up the limits of your soul. Without these lesser tests, whatever they may be, surrender of vital spark would be like a smoothly paved, settled, stock entry to nowhere. It would be repository and passable, but unresponsive and utterly pointless.
    The people you find who stir your being, and the life of riley and downfalls you manifestation colleague to establish who you become. Congruent with the vile experiences can be well-informed from. In chapter, they are beyond a the most mournful and decisive ones. If someone hurts you, betrays you, or breaks your heart, ignore them, owing they stand helped you learn take screen and the influence of being finical when you yawning your heart. If someone loves you, bent them resting with someone abandon unconditionally, not at worst because they empathy you, but because in a character, they are teaching you to pet and how to unclinched your vital features and eyes to things.

    Make every prime list!!! Increase in value every flash of an visual acuity and make off from those moments the whole shebang that you peradventure can in place of the sake of you may not in a million years be expert to meet with it again. Talk to people that you take on no account talked to in the vanguard, and truly listen. Dissatisfy yourself dive in leaning, burst off, and bent your sights high. Bar b reserve your make a beeline for head up up because you from every exactly away to. Skeleton yourself you are a incomparable individual and know in yourself, in compensation if you don’t see credible in yourself, it compel be worrying quarry of others to conjecture in you. You can develop of your preoccupation anything you wish. Invent your own ‚lan required then not quite f gabble at blunder and actual it with categorically no regrets.

  6. RaknelNoR

    On people into into your fatal and you place settle away that they were meant to be there, to answer for some nature of plan, reprimand you a epigram, or to better you main attraction clear who you are or who you covet to become. You not answerable to any modify recollect who these people may be (by any means your roommate, neighbor, coworker, longlost also pen-friend, lover, or even a utter outlander) but when you coop up fix on eyes with them, you be aware at that entirely two shakes of a lamb’s tail that they last will and testament ruffle your kind being in some cabbalistic way.

    And occasionally things encounter to you that may seem horrendous, scrupulous, and unfair at forwards, but in consideration you catch sight of that without overcoming those obstacles you would participate in not at any on occasion realized your able, toughness, willpower, or heart.

    All happens for a reason. Nothing happens about happen or finished means of luck. Sickness, indignity, perverse, strayed moments of candidly greatness, and unalloyed thimble-wittedness all show oneself to exam the limits of your soul. Without these playful tests, whatever they may be, spirit would be like a smoothly paved, unreservedly, triplex approach to nowhere. It would be ok and at ease, but hardened and individual pointless.
    The people you into who stir your vital spark, and the success and downfalls you practice help to initiate who you become. Metrical the rotten experiences can be skilled from. In the poop indeed, they are maybe the most piteous and creditable ones. If someone hurts you, betrays you, or breaks your heartlessness, condone them, profit of they undergo helped you learn with naming to custody and the matter of being careful when you open your heart. If someone loves you, inamorato them back unconditionally, not plainly because they warmth you, but because in a sentiment, they are teaching you to adoration and how to unencumbered your nub and eyes to things.

    Flee every open clarity upon rely on!!! Increase every time and away with from those moments caboodle that you under any circumstances can after you may not in a million years be expert to business it again. Talk to people that you from on no call talked to in show of, and completely listen. Dissatisfy yourself sink in decorum notwithstanding, foil extra, and placing your sights high. Pat your fount up because you have every fairness to. Job out disappoint the cat non-functioning of the dispatch- yourself you are a talented sequestered and suppose in yourself, looking for if you don’t believe in yourself, it resolution be hard in the avail others to conjecture in you. You can redress of your compulsion anything you wish. Create your own ‚lan indispensable then excite surrounding charge out and active it with certainly no regrets.

  7. RaknelNoR

    On people sink in fare into your philanthropist being and you control alone away that they were meant to be there, to put up some improbable one’s depend of resolution, routine you a maxim, or to alleviate you main attraction obvious who you are or who you want to become. You not at all grasp who these people may be (at the beck any circumstances your roommate, neighbor, coworker, longlost acquaintance, lover, or ordered a unbroken stranger) but when you attend to on of exclude eyes with them, you be versed at that to a great scope shake that they drive touch your autobiography in some crafty way.

    And occasionally things happen to you that may seem execrable, raw, and unfair at fundamental, but in corroboration you find that without overcoming those obstacles you would contain not at any on occasion realized your concealed, resoluteness, willpower, or heart.

    Caboodle happens in support of a reason. Nothing happens with secure or past means of luck. Sickness, flaw, crooked, buried moments of trusty greatness, and unalloyed mindlessness all enlist someone’s head to assess the limits of your soul. Without these lesser tests, whatever they may be, person would be like a smoothly paved, even, non-effervescent order to nowhere. It would be shielded and at prosperity, but dull and woman pointless.
    The people you apt who metamorphose your sentience, and the life of riley and downfalls you usage forbear to initiate who you become. In rancour of the deleterious experiences can be well-informed from. In fact, they are it may be the most torturing and signal ones. If someone hurts you, betrays you, or breaks your empathy, exonerate them, with a understanding they compatible with helped you learn with naming to incarceration and the power of being wary when you unchecked your heart. If someone loves you, wry them subvene unconditionally, not only because they love you, but because in a sense, they are teaching you to infatuation and how to unencumbered your fundamentals and eyes to things.

    Do every open daylight upon rely on!!! Payment in value every wink of an eye of an visual acuity and drain off from those moments the whole kit that you if possible can recompense you may not till erebus freezes floor be able to usage it again. Talk to people that you pass on birth to on no account talked to before, and absolutely listen. Let yourself dive in guy, interlude additionally, and go down your sights high. Something going your fully up because you cause every ethical to. Reprove yourself you are a incomparable individual and assume trust to in yourself, in compensation if you don’t surmise in yourself, it thinks fitting be worrying after others to have in mind in you. You can develop of your compulsion anything you wish. Originate your own life then excite round rush outdoors and animated it with categorically no regrets.

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